RATT Behind The Music TIME 43min RANK A PRO SHOT ABOUT THE EPISODE: Ratt grabbed a decade of decadence by the tail, but their legendary excess came back to bite them -- it cost them their career, and, in the case of guitarist Robbin Crosby, his life. This special edition of Behind the Music contains exclusive behind the scenes footage of the band, as well as an never before seen interview with Robbin Crosby, conducted three years before his death. In the beginning, band crawled up from the Sunset Strips hair metal scene in the early `80s scene to record a fistful of multiplatinum albums and fill arenas around the globe. and more この商品は、海外から直輸入のコレクターズDVDです。 コレクターズDVDをご理解されている方のみお買い上げください。 商品の性質上、セットリストや収録時間は一部異なる場合があります。 また、マスター起因による映像、音声の乱れある場合があります。 以上、十分ご理解の上ご購入をお願いします。 #ROCK #ロックDVD #LIVE #ライブDVD #CONCERT #コンサートDVD #DVD #レアDVD #ミュージックビデオ #ビデオクリップ